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The Legal Stuff
At Starlight Nights we are proud of our collection and curatorial skills and are excited to share our passion with others. However, we also understand and respect copyright and trademark laws and the creative minds behind the fantastic ideas and characters that are the backbone of great storytelling. We therefore acknowledge and give credit where credit is due. We present the following and ask you to read and understand Starlight Nights's legal position and responsibility.
The characters, props, products and product names, companies, logos, and brands presented are not the property of Starlight Nights. All characters, props, products and product names, companies, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All characters, props, products and product names, logos, and brands are registered trademarks of their respective owners. All characters, props, products and product names, companies, logos, and service names used by Starlight Nights are for identification purposes only. Use of these characters, names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. Starlight Nights does not charge for the direct use of trademark characters, names, props, products and product names, logos, brands, and representations. Starlight Nights is an endeavor that specializes in the curation and cataloging of collector props and items.
Starlight Nights, LLC retains the right to refuse service except for those reason covered under federal anti-discrimination laws:
Race or color
National origin or citizenship status
Religion or creed
Sex or gender affiliation
Disability, pregnancy, or genetic information
Veteran status
Marital status
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